Stay Alert and stay safe..
There were over 170,000 dwelling fires in the UK in the year ending June 2023. That’s a 12% increase in property fires from the previous year. The dangers presented by fire are not to be taken lightly.
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us at Carrick Johnson, which is why we support the UK government initiative by raising fire safety awareness to save lives.
The only way you can be sure your property is fire safe is to take precautionary measures and plan what you would do in the unfortunate event of a fire in your property. It’s far better to be prepared than to not be, and it could save you and your loved ones’ lives.
If a fire starts on your property get out, stay out, call 999. Do not attempt to extinguish a house fire yourself, leave it to the experts.
What is the leading cause of property fires?
Preventing fires starting in the first place is the best precaution you can take. It means being observant and aware of the leading causes of fires.
The leading cause of property fires in the year ending March 2023 was misuse of appliances. The second leading was placing items too close to heat sources.
These two causes alone made up 44% of property fires. It shows that being absent-minded and not thinking about you and your co-inhabitant’s safety leads to accidents that cause property fires.
Taking precautions
Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms will alert you to potential fires, allowing you to make a swift exit from your property to safety.
You should be testing them at least once a month so that you are certain they will go off during a fire.
With the leading causes being human error, remaining vigilant and aware when using appliances is the best way to prevent electrical fires from starting.
Never leave powered electrical appliances alone. If you ever smell smoke and burning, immediately stop your use of the appliance are remove it from power.
You should never cover an appliance or put anything too close to a heat source, such as leaving a towel by a space heater. It’s not worth the risk.
Electrical appliances must be turned off, and ideally unplugged and stored safely once they cool down, after use.
Following your fire safety procedure
Even when actively counteracting causes of fires, you need to have a procedure in place in case a fire were to break out.
You should identify the quickest and safest routes out of your property and keep those routes clear of clutter so that you and your co-inhabitants can make a swift easy exit in the event of a fire.
Consider alternative exits too, such as ground floor windows, just in case. However, you shouldn’t endanger yourself or anyone else while trying to exit.
Once out, do not re-enter the property to retrieve your belongings. With contents protection coverage you can be rest assured that you’ll receive compensation for what is lost in the damage.
Having a clear plan of action to get out, stay out, and call 999 will ensure you and your loved ones are able to exit to safety quickly and efficiently.
Fire procedure in shared accommodation
Shared accommodation, such as HMOs and flats, will likely have their own fire procedure in place. Talk to your landlord or building manager to clarify their fire procedure.
in you should’ve located the nearest fire exits, the locations of fire alarms and the designated congregation location for once you have exited the property.
Shared accommodation will have fire doors thanks to government fire safety regulations, so make sure you keep these fire doors closed as they will be ineffective at slowing the spread of fire if left propped open.
If a fire starts in your accommodation, you should pull the nearest fire alarm to alert the rest of the building of the danger.